tirsdag 24. mars 2009


English version: blue
Norwegian version: green

J - Today I want to tell you about something we surprisingly came to experience when we wanted to visit this little church. The curch is "Madonna de la Coruna" ouside of Spiazza in Italy. The architechture in the church itself is special. It looks like the church is glued to the mountain. One of the walls inside IS the mountainwall. But that is not my theme today. Today is J for JESUS, LOOK BELOW...
J - i dag har jeg lyst å vise en hyggelig overraskelse vi kom over da vi skulle besøke denne lille kirka. Kirka heter "Madonna de la Coruna" og ligger like utenfor Spiazza i Italia. Arkitekturen i kirka er veldig spesiell, det ser nesten ut som den er limt til fjellveggen. Den ene langveggen inne i kirka ER fjellveggen. Men det er ikke dagens tema. Tema i dag er J for JESUS, SE NEDENFOR

On our way down to the the church ther was several stations, describing The Passion of JESUS.
På vei ned til kirka var det mange stasjoner som beskreiv JESU lidelseshistorie.
JESUS is carrying the cross, the women are following him.
JESUS bærer korset, kvinnene følger ham.
JESUS is falling, carrying the cross.
JESUS faller mens han bærer korset.

Before JESUS is crucifyed his was stripped of his garments.
Før JESUS blir korsfestet frarøves han alle klærne.

JESUS is nailed to the cross.
JESUS spikres til korset.

JESUS on the cross, imprisonating for my sins, and for your sins.
På korset sonet JESUS for mine synder , og for dine synder.

JESUS is taken down from the cross, to be buryed in a strange man's grave.
JESUS blir tatt ned fra korset for å begraves i en fremmed manns grav.

The resurrection!

The angel is here to tell that JESUS is no longer in the grave, he is risen!
Engelen er her for å fortelle at JESUS ikke er i graven lenger, han er stått opp!

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8 kommentarer:

Rune Eide sa...

Jeg har hørt om den kirken, men har aldri fått sett den. Her ligger det mye godt arbeid - fint at du ville dele det med oss!

Richard Lawry sa...

What an amazing post. Jesus should be the #1 J

An Arkies Musings

Tumblewords: sa...

What a beautiful spot for a church. Gorgeous.

Bradley Hsi sa...

Quite an amazing church and so well photographed. And a complete series of Jesus' crucifiction.

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe sa...

Amazing Grace! Vilket fantastiskt J du har valt. Kyrkan är ju helt otroligt vacker.

Ha det gott Liv!


Ramblings From Spain sa...

Wow, what an amazing photo of the church! And I love the statues too.. near where I live in Spain, we have a "Way of the Cross" with similar images, but in tile work, leading up a hill behind the main church. It is gorgeous imagery whether you are religious or not. Great post x

Carol sa...

Great photos...beautiful church, I would love to see the inside wall that is the mountainwall...

Karyn sa...

Of course, J is for Jesus.

That is an amazing church! Thanks for sharing!